A hair weave is a very general term used to describe human or artificial hair used to alter one's natural hair appearance by adding additional hair to their natural hair or by covering the natural hair all together with human or synthetic hair pieces. The highest quality extension hair is human remy hair. Remy hair still possesses the cuticle layer, which is the outermost part of the hair strand; it resembles shingles on a roof. All remy hair has the cuticle layer of the hair flowing in the same direction, flowing the way it would naturally.
Extension hair refers to the weave hair being applied strand by strand rather than in long sewn together rows. Strand by strand hair has approximately 50-80 strands attached by keratin tips resembling the end of a shoe string. These can then be attached by bonding directly to the hair or using copper links, which provides the most natural look. The method is the most time consuming though, considering between 100 to 300 individual extensions are applied. The amount of time necessary makes this type of application a more expensive service than other options. Other types of extensions that can be added to the hair include ponytails or ponytail pieces.
Extension hair refers to the weave hair being applied strand by strand rather than in long sewn together rows. Strand by strand hair has approximately 50-80 strands attached by keratin tips resembling the end of a shoe string. These can then be attached by bonding directly to the hair or using copper links, which provides the most natural look. The method is the most time consuming though, considering between 100 to 300 individual extensions are applied. The amount of time necessary makes this type of application a more expensive service than other options. Other types of extensions that can be added to the hair include ponytails or ponytail pieces.